“When I saw those people who were all interested in clay as a building material, I naturally wanted to participate in this workshop myself.
It was like a party!“
– Clay camp participant-
- Because of the round shape of the sweat lodge, it feels like in your mother’s womb, it feels safe and offers a sensation of rebirth in the sauna process.
- Simple and available materials around us are suitable for creating this form.
- Clay mixes and wooden structures, these materials are natural and recyclable.
- The construction period of the sweat lodge is quick and the work can be done without special tools.
- Each sweat lodge sauna building is unique, a little like the face of its creators.
- The sweat lodge has a good indoor climate, a cozy atmosphere, diffused heat, and good humidity.
- Such a sauna is a unique decorative element in the landscape.
By using the clay and wood around you to build, you create protective and secure structures with the smallest footprint.
The construction project of the cave sauna is simple and the materials can be reused. Your grandchildren will also praise this beautiful sauna.
Pahuvere, Viljandimaa
June, 16 to 18
(You can also pay in 3 parts, no extra fees. Look up after registration!)
Using clay construction techniques, cordwood, cob, and wattle and daub, we create a sweat lodge, originally called temazcalli, on a clay peninsula surrounded by freshly shaped water. It will be an interesting, horizon-widening creative process that leaves You with indelible memories.
The roof structure that we built in April in Järvamaa will be above the sweat lodge. The shape of a clay sauna is round, and that’s why sod fits nicely on the 8-cornered roof. Here two projects meet – a grass roof and a cave sauna!
This practical course is for You if:
You want to create a beautiful and natural dome house with your own hands
You want to learn clay construction in order to build or renovate
You want to learn to shape and plaster with clay
You want to learn natural construction techniques under the guidance of a skilled tradesman and in the midst of a like-minded community, surrounded by peaceful and beautiful wild nature in South Estonia.
The workshop includes all the necessary tools and materials to make the mixes from local materials and construct the walls of the sweat lodge.
The price also includes healthy food and a place in a glamping tent or your own tent. The living house’s new wooden floor will also be ready for sleeping with your own gear. Evening programs with film watching, bonfire, and Mexican traditional coco ceremony rituals.
You can pay also in 3- equal parts, with no extra taxes. Just pay later with ESTO (more info in checkout).
8 in stock
“Earth and Workshop by Sven is a powerful combination!
Thank you for these experiences!“
– participant of the earth building course –
We will answer quickly by email or by WhatsApp or if you can fill out this short form:
+372 5620 3777
The 15-minute phonecall is free of charge.
Sven answers your questions from 9 to 18:00.

Equilibre MTÜ. Call: +372 56203 777 or write: sven(ät)loodusehituseakadeemia.ee