Have You thought about the accent wall in the living room

or about a cave sauna or a tree house in the back garden?


Using natural materials, we create small houses for year-round use:

garden house, tree house, outdoor classroom ... 


We use clay plaster in living spaces or offices to achieve a healthier indoor climate and modern design


We help architects and self-builders with advice and strength, always so that construction with natural materials turns out well and the finish catches the eye. 


Look closer at which materials and techniques we use here!


Have you thought about a gorgeous cellar in the yard or a nice wooden hut in the forest?

We bring a natural construction workshop directly to your yard and in the process, we build a structure from natural materials that suits you.

A hexagonal garden house made with clay walls, a house from sandbags, a gorgeous wooden tree house...

Only creativity is your limit - share your idea and maybe it will become our next object for a workshop! 

If you are interested, fill out the form below.

We saw such a cool house during one of our visits to Hobukooli Park, and we immediately wanted to create something similar for our village square. We wrote the project, got financing, and invited Sven to build. The result is great, thank you!

Community from Taevaskoja

Such a house in our schoolyard gives a lot of inspiration and it has such an inviting look, so it grabs your eye and you'll become interested in how it is built. A very positive outdoor classroom. Thank you!

A teacher from the school in Tallinn


If you are interested in improving the indoor climate of your home or office, let us know by phone or contact form by clicking the button below.

All the new "wall covering" will be moisture-regulating, vapor-permeable, and heat-saving. The layers are made of natural materials just like us.

Our small team installs the clay plaster, does the necessary preliminary work with the walls, and also finishes the result with the color that suits you.

We inspect the under layers, offer the solutions that suit your walls, calculate the necessary materials, establish a work schedule and we have a deal - it's time for construction and plastering!

On larger objects, we cooperate with the masters from the association Eestimaaehitus. We use high-quality clay materials produced in Estonia by UKU Pure Earth and MEISTRI.

Pretty awesome stuff. Great plaster, no need to buy wallpaper. Like a fairy tale house of. Now I go home and say, let's buy a few tons of clay and build a house!

Oksana, participant from the workshop


More and more people are realizing that a healthy living environment results from good relations between the walls of the home as well as from the composition of those same walls!

In cooperation with masters in our field, we offer consultations on how to build or renovate your house in such a way that the home has the healthiest and most supportive indoor climate.

We use the best examples from both Europe and the rest of the world to answer the questions together - what materials to build from and what a close-to-nature living arrangement could be.

The initial 15-minute phone consultation is FREE. Feel free to call Sven: 5620 3777

Or contact us via the contact form.

Creating with natural materials is more than just building. It needs to be experienced. you can also be inspired by the work of others.

For example, look at this nice CLIP FILMI

*Under the page COURSES there are also videos of some of our previous workshops


participated in practical trainings in different countries

boxes and furniture

Pieces of the wooden planks tend to be left over from larger construction projects. This is how the necessary meets the useful and the master is happy!

We have designed boxes for different needs, for example, toolboxes for plastering trowels or horse foot care tools. Boxes have also been needed for tarot cards, not to mention flower boxes.

Kui Sul on huvi saada omanäoline ja ainulaadne, just Sinu tööriistadele kohandatud kerge puidust käsitööna meisterdatud kast, siis võta ühendust, teeme joonised, lepime hinnas kokku ja teemegi ära!

*We use both, 100-year-old beams or boards and modern thermal wood.

I have always liked using small wooden blocks or table scraps in a model or other practical form. By making boxes for different purposes, I can create something practical and beautiful.


maker of the toolboxes and stuff

savimaja komplektid

We have developed and produced educational toolkits that introduce an ecological worldview as well as offer concrete action plans to raise a more responsible new generation.

Öko-innovaatiline õppevahend “SAVIMAJA KOMPLEKT” koos väljatöötatud metoodilise juhendiga võimaldab säästa õpetajal aega komplekssete õppeülesannete planeerimisel ja läbiviimisel. (JUHEND)

The teaching tool is material and cost-efficient, and its parts can be easily replaced and improved by the learners and teachers themselves.

The use of the educational KIT allows for the introduction of the traditional cordwood (logs and cob) and COB (clay/sand/straw) construction techniques, widely used in Estonia and Europe, integrating many conventional subjects at the same time.

The sets of Earth House Kits have been acquired by the Environmental Board for Environmental Education Centers, where they can be rented. Just find the one closest to you!

I have always received good advice from Sven, which he shares from his own experience, and you can feel it. It is always very practical and logical.

Meelis, built himself a straw house

I have used the Earth House Kit and discovered new nuances and possibilities of use every time. An exciting and versatile learning tool!

Teacher from Tartu Nature school

Equilibre MTÜ. Call: +372 56203 777  or write: sven(ät)loodusehituseakadeemia.ee